4 Conditions
The connection between us and our horses has increased tremendously. We contribute this to a few “changing” elements. Firstly, my husband and I continue the interaction with the horses daily, studying and learning new things constantly. We have become better teachers/students for the horses. Our knowledge and skills has not only been learned from books, but from the horses as well. They make the best teachers. Secondly, they are at a different boarding facility. Together these occurrences are key factors in the progress the horses and we are making.
Safety, comfort, play and food form a horse’s behavior. These four elements listed in order of importance are essential requirements for every horse. For the most part, when horses are boarded these conditions depend on the facility and manager. As a horse owner, one needs to build on these 4 conditions. It is so important to provide them allowing a solid foundation for a horse to grow physically, mentally and emotionally. Because of the wonderful provisions at our current facility, the horses have settled in nicely and there has been a noticeable change in their behavior. They feel safe, are treated with respect, get lots of play and hordes of good pasture to consume. These fulfilled necessities have had a positive affect on their behavior in which their willingness to participate with consistency in the relationship with us has increased greatly. The responsiveness to our cues has been incredibly established. It has been amazing to watch this transformation unfold. We often speak of what the future holds when we have our own place having total control over all these elements.
With the four conditions having a strong hold, we have been able to progress with the horses at a faster pace. Constantly using our imagination to create interesting sessions is one way we utilize"play" with our horses. This has become a successful technique. Imagination plays a key role in the learning process. It helps provide meaning to experience and understanding to knowledge. Right now, we are finding restrictions on our abilities to carry thorough with our thought-out constructions. We need more options. Our current boarding facility is beautiful, but busy. It is 80 acres with 20 in pastures and the remaining either thick forest or areas predisposed to certain duties. All this, and the fact that its layout lacks natural obstacles leaves limited possibilities for imagination. Furthermore, since the property is not ours, we cannot add to or change the layout. We are at a point where we need to expand our lessons with the horses. We truly enjoy our current facility, understand the limitations, but look so forward to our own place.

Go Green Tips:
- In the barn, use a commercial coffee maker for instant hot water
- Buy feed / shavings in paper bags. Roll them up and use to kindle fires in fireplaces or for bonfires outside
Any Go Green Ideas?