Stay on Target

Ibelieve I need to supply you with more information on my current situation. As I mentioned previously, I left my career after 30 plus years for personal reasons. My life has changed drastically in the past several years – many, many changes are still evolving. My husband and I are in the process of relocating our “newborn” business and our home. We have lived in our current home for over 15 years, so we are deeply rooted. This is taking a lot of time to sort and pack it all up. It is a great time to eliminate all that unwanted and unnecessary stuff! A garage sale is on the agenda and donations are going out the door.

Until the “Big” move is complete, we have to board our horses. In our area, there are not many reputable places to board your horse, so the choices are limited and there are definitely no “Green” ones are available. Most facilities are just a business with no real commitment to achieving the best for the horses. Many really feel like horse dump sites. But, if you live in the city and want a horse you have to board, so make sure you do your homework when choosing the most suitable facility for you and your horse... see "Boarder's Checklist". We have chosen our facility for its 24hr accessibility, barn and fence stability, location and the "low key" environment. For now, it is working and for the benefit of our horses, we have and continue to make adjustments in our lives and in theirs to supply the best for them.
“Barnyard” cleanup and pasture maintenance are two very important areas where efforts are necessary for an overall healthy horse. These two mentioned are just a few where our options are limited because the facility is not ours. Therefore, constantly we modify our program to achieve “Green” horses. I am always on a mission finding ways to better my circumstances and those of our horses. My husband and I go daily to visit the horses. We want to be with them supplying, their needs and hopefully creating a bond for a life-long relationship. Rituals we perform daily:
- give them their necessary supplements - the pastures are huge, but weeds are prevalent in some pastures and it is obvious that regular maintenance does not occur
- supply the horses with the proper grooming and exercise they require
- check their water and address any medical attention issues
- the tackling of some “barnyard” cleanup.
Barnyard Cleanup tips ... see "Spring Clean Your Barn and Yard"
We constantly work to prevent…as much as possible, huge problems caused by insects at the barn this summer. The necessary "cleanups" at our facility are not preformed regularly and even though we try and maintain our area, the entire property must be maintained, for insect control to work properly . So, we carry on with the tasks necessary to provide our horses with the best care. I know it is late in the season, but my next blog will address “Pest Control” – there is still time left for you and your horse to benefit this season with the information at hand, and you will have some preparation ideas for next season.
More on Pest Control - see links below
In a previous blog, I mentioned the belief that maintaining required levels of vitamins and minerals are key to preventing many of a horse’s aliments. A majority of pastures do not supply horses with the adequate nutrients. I am sure a lot of you have the same situation – they are not your pastures, but through knowledge, innovation and persistence we can supply our horses with the best possible care. As I mentioned, we go daily to make sure our horses get their requirement of supplements. We feel this need is too important to rely on others to perform, and when we do it, we know it gets done. I do plan to outline a program for pasture maintenance, in the future. When we move and settle into our farm, the information will be needed to prepare our own pastures. At that time, I will be able to make available to you what I have studied, implemented and learned. Looking forward to those projects!
Related Pest Control Topics:
"Horse Pest Control"
"Horse Pest Control - B"
"Herbs for My Horses" Their Uses"
Attitude, knowledge, time, tools, techniques and imagination are the keys to success –
thanks Pat Parelli!

Look back on our struggle for freedom,
Trace our present day's strength to its source;
And you'll find that man's pathway to glory
Is strewn with the bones of a horse.
thanks Pat Parelli!

Go Green Tips:
- Instead of paper towels, use washable rags and a squeegee to clean windows
- Sun shining on a window will streak it when cleaning; wait for windows to cool down
Any Go Green Ideas?
Look back on our struggle for freedom,
Trace our present day's strength to its source;
And you'll find that man's pathway to glory
Is strewn with the bones of a horse.