Y our equine's "normal" vitals are valuable information to know. The “Quick Facts” below are the vitals of a healthy mature horse. Use this chart as a comparison once you have obtained your equine's "normal" vital signs. Create a chart on your horse and keep it in your barn making access easy; a copy in your first aid kit is a good idea too. You should try and remember this information AND have it available for anyone who may be caring for your horse when you are not around. Vitals should be routine when examining your horse's health condition.
Quick Facts:
Temperature - A horse's normal body temperature is 99 - 101 F
Pulse - The normal pulse rate, most often taken by listening to the heart on the left side of the chest just behind the left elbow, is 36 to 42 beats per minute. Young stock and ponies tend to be a bit faster
Respiration -The normal rate for horses is between 8-12 breaths per minute
Capillary refill time - 2 seconds - This is the time it takes for color to return to gum tissue adjacent to teeth after pressing and releasing with your thumb
Every horse owner needs to know what is “normal” for his or her horse. Knowing how your horse acts and reacts when he is feeling good will help you to realize faster when there is something "not right" with him. Perception can give an indication that something is wrong and an exam of your horse's vitals will let you know for certain the extent of his condition. Knowing your horse's normal vital signs and comparing those numbers to times when one might suspect that he is ill can be a very helpful aid in determining how quickly he needs veterinarian assistance. Attaining all of the signs before veterinary help arrives can often give a much clearer picture on the level of concern and the vet's response rate.
This page is to educate you on equine vital signs; learning what is normal and what is not for your horse will help you in its care. The information below is an example of the necessary steps one can take to acquire the normal aspects of their horse.
Take your horse's temperature when he is healthy so you can get a normal reading for him. The normal temperature for the horse is 100.0 degrees. However, a horse's temperature can vary somewhat with the season. During the winter, it is not uncommon for the temperature to drop to as low as 97. Usually a low reading is not a concern, but on the other hand a higher than normal temperature is an indication that something isn't right. During the winter, any temperature above 100.5 should be suspect; average fevers normally run from 101.5 up to 104. The summer heat, as well as any exercise can often raise the core temperature upward even without a fever. This must be taken into account when the assessment is made. A race or show horse after intense competition can have a core temperature up to 105. Even at rest in the summer heat under a tree, a temperature of 101 may not be considered abnormal. Therefore, events preceding the acquisition of the temperature must be taken into account before it is interpreted. A high core temperature does not always indicate a severe condition, but if it is 102 F or over with no known activity, you should call your veterinarian.
How To Take a Horse's Temperature:
The most accurate way to take a horse's temperature is rectally. Always secure a string to the end of the thermometer so that it does not get lost. The plastic digital thermometers work very well and are generally easier to use and most of them beep when they are ready. Be sure that if you use an older mercury-type thermometer that you shake down the mercury before taking the horse's temperature.
The horse should be tied or held still by an assistant. Lubricate the tip of the thermometer with petroleum jelly like Vaseline. Move the horse's tail to the side out of the way and insert the thermometer into the horse's rectum, angled slightly towards the ground. Stand close to the horse's hip and do not stand directly behind the horse because some horses do not like this and might kick out - but most do not mind. For the most accurate reading, leave a mercury thermometer in position for at least 3 minutes. Many digital thermometers work well in less than 1 minute.
Important: Always clean the thermometer well before returning it to its case...and especially if used on an ill horse to prevent the spreading of an illness.

Checking the pulse rate

Another place to check the pulse rate
The pulse rate most often taken is by listening to the heart on the left side of the chest just behind the left elbow. The normal rate is 40 beats per minute. Fit horses may have rates as low as 28 and this is not considered abnormal. However, ANY rate above 40 throws up a red flag and should be explored. Rates between 40-60 are considered "serious" and may be explained by an elevated temperature, indicating a problem. Rates above 80 are considered "critical" and indicative of a very serious problem. Of course, these rates apply to a horse at rest and any exercise just before taking the pulse should be taken into consideration. In addition, if the horse is suddenly excited it may be elevated on a temporary basis. Listen to the rate for at least a minute; check to see if it comes down before recording the final rate.
Zapp is showing the various places you can check a horse's pulse. Each area is indicated below and correlates with the number in the picture.
- The inner surface of the groove under the lower jaw - (external maxillary artery).
- The back edge of the lower jaw (the check), four inches below the eye - (facial artery).
- Under the tail, close to the body - (medial coccygeal artery).
- Point where heartbeat can be monitored with stethoscope.
- Inside the left elbow, up and forward, against the chest wall - (heart).
- The inside of the foreleg - (median artery).
- Behind the carpus, or knee - (digital artery).
- Medial or lateral pastern - (digital artery).
The normal rate for horses is between 8-12 breaths per minute. However, many things can affect this and must be taken into account before judging whether it is abnormal. Other characteristics of breathing, rather than just the rate may be more of an overall indicator of problems. Deep heavy breathing, breathing with an extra abdominal effort, abnormal noise, labored breathing or gasping point to a very serious problem. Report any observations to your vet that are anything but quiet and easy breathing.
Mucus Membrane Color:
The normal color is pink. Gums that are pale, deep red, purple, overly yellow or streaked with the appearance of small broken blood vessels are abnormal and should be recorded. Some of the causes for abnormal appearance are listed below:
Pale: Low perfusion of blood indicating a "shock" condition.
Deep red: Congested membranes, also a shock type condition with toxicity.
Purple or blue: Low oxygen levels or serious toxicosis.
Overly yellow: Gums are normally slightly yellow, but very yellow may be a liver problem.
Capillary Refill Time:
After depressing the gums, the color should return within 1-2 seconds. Delayed return of color, 3 seconds or more, is an indication of poor blood perfusion often brought on by serious dehydration, shock or toxicosis. Borborygmus:
This refers to the sounds that the gut makes in digesting the feed. A horse should have a normal gurgling sound on both sides of the abdomen back near the flanks. Several horses should be assessed before making a determination of what can be considered "normal", "none", "low", or "hypermotile".
This refers to the sounds that the gut makes in digesting the feed. A horse should have a normal gurgling sound on both sides of the abdomen back near the flanks. Several horses should be assessed before making a determination of what can be considered "normal", "none", "low", or "hypermotile".
During colic episodes, horses with little or no gut sounds may be in serious condition. A hypermotile gut may be indicating an irritation and this may be coupled with a loose stool or diarrhea. Assessing the gut sounds from one moment to the next may indicate whether a horse's condition is improving or deteriorating. Take this and all of the vital signs frequently.

Your vet will listen for "gut sounds" (digestive sounds) in the locations above on both the left and right side of your horse. You should be familiar with the normal gut sounds your horse makes.
The best way to determine hydration is through an assessment of the horse’s blood parameters. However, using the "skin turgor test" can often be a quick field aid. The skin over the shoulder should be pinched with some elevation of the skin. If it snaps back into place very quickly, the horse may be considered adequately hydrated. Any delay should be suspect and assessed along with the other vital signs. Older horses tend to have a more relaxed skin, so this should be taken into account. Again, assessing this parameter when the horse can be considered healthy will help determine "normal".
It is important to remember that all the vital signs must be regarded when assessing your horse's health/problem. One parameter that may be outside the normal boundaries may not be overly significant when all of the others are within normal bounds. In addition, some abnormal vital signs may adequately explain why others are irregular, such as an increased pulse rate associated with a fever. The combination of all of the signs are needed and when compared to your horse's "normal" range can offer an informed judgement on the level of concern.
TIPS from the TRAIL:
Again, it is important to keep a record on the values of the normal vital signs for your horse. This is basic medical evidence for determining if your horse is ill and will assist you and your veterinarian in the examination of your horse.
To establish a basis, you need to identify the “normal” vitals of your horse. First, your horse should be rested and calm for at least 30 minutes up to the evaluation. You need to obtain the horse’s vitals and log the readings twice a day for three days, then average the analysis. Choose varying times of the day, morning, afternoon, and evening to gain the assessments.
Whether your horse is interested in feed/grass or not will tell you very quickly if there is reason for concern.

Go Green Tips:
- Use Rechargeable Batteries:
- less go in landfills than regular batteries
- a single rechargeable battery can be recharged 500 to 1,000
times (Note: DO NOT use rechargeable batteries in smoke or carbon monoxide alarms.) - have a radio in the barn and play music that creates a parallel with the mood you wish to portray for the horses
Any Go Green Ideas?
The outside of a horse is good for the inside of man.
Author Unknown